Episode 27: Gaining Confidence Through Strength Training- with Natalie Adair


Natalie Adair has been my (and my husband’s) fitness coach for the past 2.5 years. But really she’s been my strength coach, life coach, macro coach, therapist, and so much more. Turning my focus to getting stronger and shifting my health goals was life changing for me and has made me so much happier.

Today I get to bring you an interview I had with Natalie. It’s good. This woman is crazy smart, keeps learning every day, and she helps me push myself to new limits as I try to become the best version of myself.

In this episode:

Natalie’s Background: Natalie is a full time body transformation/fitness/strength coach for the past 5 years. She is currently getting her Masters Degree in Sports Conditioning and Performance. And she is also working towards getting a PHD in Exercise Science. She minored in Nutrition and has a series of different fitness certifications. This girl knows her stuff.

My story before Natalie: I found Natalie after I had had 3 kids in less than 5 years. My body and my mindset had been through the ringer and I legit thought that my only option was plastic surgery. I found Natalie and she has changed my life. She’s helped me fix my relationship with food, and my relationship with the scale. We’ve worked together to change my mindset around my post baby body, food, and fitness.

Natalie’s Story: “I was a cheerleader in college. Then I got into fitness shows and I was so tiny. But I had this body that wasn’t functional. I was miserable and tiny. Luckily I found strength training and powerlifting and my life changed. I learned about flexible dieting. I started shifting to more task oriented goals instead of something like an ego goal. Which is something I recommend all my clients do.”

“You can have a functional body that is strong, eat well, and be healthy, look great and still love yourself.” 

Shifting to Task Oriented Goals : When I stopped obsessing about the scale and I switched to a task goal of I want to lift x amount of weight…..it was like magic.

Flexible Dieting

Strength Training For Women: 
Common myths that we hear. Worry about getting bulky.
What ‘TONED’ really means. (hint: it means you want more muscle!)  
Lifting gives you more bang for your buck. 

The Mental Benefits of Strength Training and Lifting Weights 

Confidence and Self Talk 

“Fitness is not just about working out and looking good. It carries over to everything in life. It affects your confidence and self esteem. Even relationships, your mood around your kids, how optimistic you are. It affects every single area of your life.” 

Where do I start if I’m at the very beginning and I’m scared of the gym?
Start small.
No one cares what you are doing. So don’t worry about people judging you. It’s not going to happen.
Get a coach. They can help you with so much. Especially help with form and avoid injury.

Put your hat on, headphones in and just focus on you. 

How do I grow my butt.

A lot of patience. A lot of food. You need to be eating enough to gain muscle. Make sure you are challenging them enough, and switch it up. You need to be progressively overloading to change. 

Let’s talk about Nutrition: 

Most common issue- they’ve had a bad experience or they come to me with really really low calories. 

The tough conversation of needing to reverse diet to get yourself to a healthier place. 

Shifting your mindset from quick results to making it a part of your lifestyle

Shifting your mindset around nutrition 

The importance of having a specific goal 

Should you ditch the scale? Or how do you measure progress? 

Links and other helpful things

Find Natalie on Instagram
Work with Natalie
Health and Fitness Mindset Shifts
Listen to Episode 2: Shifting Your Fitness Mindset

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Episode 28: Dealing with FOMO, and Feelings of Envy


Episode 26: 5 Things You Can Do To Have a Better Relationship with Food