Episode 52: How You Can Live a Lifestyle of Wellness with Elizabeth Dall


Elizabeth is a women’s exercise physiologist and wellness coach. She helps women who are fed up with dieting, frustrated in their bodies, wanting to create change, make peace with food, and find joy in wellness and taking care of their bodies.

Elizabeth is passionate about helping women show up as their best self and to become a woman of wellness.

Listen in for our amazing interview or read on below for bullet points and quick takeaways:

In this episode:

What does it mean to be a Woman of Wellness: you want your wellness to match the lifestyle you want to live. Make wellness fit into your life, rather than being an extra thing or something with a deadline.

What is the BEST way to be your best and healthiest self? The best way or the right way is different for everyone. Wellness is not one size fits all. The best way is the one that works for you and then one that you can maintain.

Lifestyle goals: how do I want to live? How do I match my habits to the lifestyle that I want to live?

Do I have to do this forever? Spoiler….yes! But not in the way that you think. Rather than have extremes, what habits, goals, and supports can I put in place to support the lifestyle I want to live.

The power is in the consistency. The key to long term results, to change, and to be living a wellness lifestyle is your ability to thrive in maintenance.

Extremes vs. Thriving in Maintenance: So many women don’t know how to thrive in the maintenance. We go on the diet, work hard and then we don’t know what to do when it’s over…..because we haven’t learned how to thrive in maintenance.

How do I start living a wellness lifestyle? Meet yourself where you are., RIGHT NOW. Start asking yourself, what would it look like for me to get more in tune with my body. You have to learn how to connect with yourself, so you can know when you need a push, when you need a break. It’s about meeting yourself where you are now and getting comfortable with getting curious with yourself.

Change requires discomfort. Discomfort allows growth.

Questions to ask yourself when getting in tune with your relationship with food: “Where am I at right now? How am I feeling?”
Then ask, “where do I want to be?” and “how do I want to feel?”
Answering those questions gives your parameters and guidelines to make choices.

Finding joy in movement and exercise

When we use exercise as a tool to support the lifestyle that we want to live, it completely changes the way we approach it versus when we use it as a punishment.

The difference between an achievable goal and a maintainable goal

What is the smallest thing I can maintain, that I can do consistently to make a positive change in my life?

Determine the different ways of measuring success.


Episode 53: A Look Back at One Year of Podcasting.


Episode 51: Don’t Fit In: Teaching Your Kids to be Confident and Embrace Who They Are. With Courtney North