144.Reiki Reflections: Cultivating Love, Gratitude, and Authentic Connections in Everyday Moments

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Join me, on this special episode as I share the transformative experience of becoming Reiki certified over the weekend. From overwhelming waves of love to intense gratitude for the simple joys of life, we’re diving into the profound lessons and insights that left me riding a high of connection and positivity. Come cozy up with me as we explore the power of love, gratitude, and authentic connections in this heartwarming episode of the Positively You podcast.

The Reiki Certification Journey:

Over the weekend, I had the incredible opportunity to become Reiki certified, and let me tell you, this was an absolute game-changer. I've always been intrigued by energy work and healing modalities, and this experience was nothing short of magical. I won’t go into too much here, but learning, growing, and connecting with a group of amazing humans filled my heart with joy. If you are feeling at all interested or intrigued by Reiki or energy work, my door is always open.

Love Overwhelm:

The most profound realization came after the weekend was done and I have been integrating back into regular life. On Monday I had an overwhelming wave of love and gratitude. Imagine being surrounded by a group of strangers, all vibrating with love. It was a beautiful experience, connecting with individuals on various levels, all united by a shared sense of humanity. That feeling of genuine connection is something I wish for each one of you.

Authenticity and Connection:

Reflecting on this, I can't help but emphasize the importance of authenticity in fostering connection. It's easy to be held back by insecurities, but embracing vulnerability can open doors to meaningful connections. Whether it’s here through podcast conversations, DMs on Instagram, or in person, the opportunity for connection is immense, and it's a gift I cherish.

Gratitude Overflow:

The second takeaway was an intense gratitude flood. Driving my kids to school, I found myself grateful for the smallest things – the repaired pothole, a flock of birds, and then, my home. It's not the picture-perfect Instagram house, but it holds the essence of our growth and shared experiences over the past five years. Gratitude, from the littlest to the biggest things, created a profound shift in my perspective.

Creating Our Reality:

I've come to believe that we have the power to shape our reality. Despite the chaos around us, we can choose our focus, intentions, and the feelings we want to cultivate. Yes, the world may throw challenges our way, but within our own little sphere, we can prioritize love, gratitude, and authenticity.

Message of Love and Gratitude:

I want to bottle up this feeling of gratitude and love and share it with each of you. Through this podcast, my aim is to spread positivity, authenticity, and connection. Your presence, engagement, and energy contribute to making this podcast a collective force for good, and I am endlessly grateful for that.

If you want to connect further, find me over on Instagram – it's where I hang out the most. Drop me a message or even a voice note; I love hearing from you. And if that's not your thing, shoot me an email at hello@jessielarson.com.

Let's keep this beautiful connection going. Wishing you an incredible week filled with love, light, and peace. Until the next episode, take care, and talk to you soon. Much love!


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