145. Aligning with Winter's Wisdom: A Gentle Start to 2024

Welcome to the first episode of 2024 on the Positively You Podcast. I'm thrilled to dive into today's topic, one that's been on my mind as we navigate the transition from the old year to the new.

Let's talk about New Year's resolutions, the disconnect with nature, and how we can find inspiration in the wisdom of winter.

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Winter's Pause: Nature's Calendar vs. Ours

As we flip our calendars to January, it's hard to ignore the conflict between the societal celebration of a new year and the natural world around us. We're currently in the heart of winter, a season of rest, hibernation, and quiet reflection. The winter solstice marked the peak of darkness, and though we're gradually moving towards more sunlight, the real shift doesn't happen until the spring equinox on March 19th.

In astrology, the New Year doesn't truly kick in until Aries season starts around March 20th. So, why do we set ourselves up for ambitious goals in the midst of winter's hibernation? Perhaps there's a lesson to learn from nature.

Finding Intention in Winter's Embrace

Nature teaches us that winter isn't just about inactivity—it's a crucial period of preparation. While the ground may seem dormant, there's a silent, transformative work happening beneath the surface. It's a time to set intentions, plant seeds, and gradually build towards the energy of spring. So, if you're feeling a bit hesitant about diving headfirst into your New Year's resolutions, consider a softer, slower approach inspired by the rhythm of winter.

Practical Steps for a Gentle Start

Let's talk about practical steps you can take during this season of rest to set the stage for the vibrant energy of spring:

  1. Start Small: Begin with manageable goals that align with the pace of winter. Think making your bed daily, a simple yet impactful practice that sets a positive tone for your day.

  2. Mindful Practices: Incorporate intentional habits like breathwork, meditation, or a short morning yoga routine. I recently began a 30-day yoga flow, just 20 minutes a day, and it's a delightful addition to my routine.

  3. Refresh and Declutter: Winter is an excellent time to clear out physical and mental clutter. Open those closets, clean out unused apps on your phone, and create space for the new by letting go of the old.

  4. Journaling: Consider starting or revitalizing a journaling practice. If you need guidance, check out my episode with Stephanie Wing on the transformative power of journaling (Episode 142).

Embracing the Pause for Renewal

In a world that often celebrates instant transformations, it's okay to acknowledge that the beginning of the year doesn't have to be a grand spectacle. Instead, let's view it as a time of laying foundations, a period of rest and reflection, setting the stage for the growth that spring will bring.

Thank you, dear listeners, for joining me in this exploration of a different perspective on the New Year. Let's embrace the wisdom of winter, setting intentions, and preparing for the energy that lies ahead. As we navigate this journey together, I'm excited about what 2024 holds for us here on the Positively You podcast. Until next week, take gentle steps towards your goals, and I'll see you then!


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