146. The Power of Self-Love: Three Tips to Supercharge Your Every Day with Thais Harris

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Welcome back to another episode of Positively You Podcast! Today, I am beyond thrilled to introduce our guest, Thais Harris. When I first received her pitch, every word resonated with me, and I knew we had to have a conversation. Thais is a holistic nutritionist with a unique approach—empowering women to love themselves into better health. Today, we delve into the profound connection between self-love and nutrition, exploring Thais's journey from graphic designer to nutritionist and the pivotal moments that shaped her understanding of holistic well-being.

Meet Thais Harris:

As we dive into the interview, Thais is a holistic nutritionist, with a passion for connecting with women and helping them cultivate self-love as a foundation for improved health. Originally a graphic designer and actress, Thais's path shifted when she faced personal health challenges, leading her to explore nutrition and its transformative effects. She shares her journey from Brazil to the U.S., highlighting the turning points that ultimately led her to embrace a holistic approach to nutrition and self-love.

Three Ways to Cultivate Self-Love:

Thais unveils three powerful practices for cultivating self-love, making it accessible for everyone.

  1. Morning Hug Magic: Start your day with a self-hug. It's like a shot of oxytocin, the love hormone. You deserve it. Then add in gratitude as an added bonus! Gratitude helps you create a connection to yourself and your body's wisdom. Simple practices like placing a hand on the chest and another on the belly while taking a few deep breaths can release oxytocin, the hormone associated with love and well-being.

  2. Noticing Self-Talk: Become aware of your internal dialogue, particularly when it comes to body image and food choices. By adopting a curious and non-judgmental approach, you can uncover negative thought patterns and gradually shift them towards self-compassion.

  3. Changing the Narrative: Building on the awareness gained from self-talk, Thais underscores the importance of actively changing the narrative. This involves consciously replacing your negative thoughts with positive, affirming messages. She shares personal experiences of rewriting her own thoughts, emphasizing that this practice takes time and consistency.

    🚀 Connecting with Our Amazing Guest 🚀

    I know you're dying to continue this conversation, and I've got you covered. Our guest is a beacon of self-love wisdom, and you can find her at nourishtogether.com. Oh, and there's a fantastic PDF waiting for you at selflove.nourishtogether.com - three mindset shifts to love yourself into better health. Trust me; it's a game-changer.

    She's also got a powerhouse of books on Amazon, including The Life Changing Power of Self-Love and a delightful children's book called Little Red – a story that makes veggies exciting for the little ones.


    Free Guide: 3 Mindset Shifts to Love Yourself Into Better Health

    Get the Book: The Life Changing Power of Self Love

    Connect with Thias: Nourish Together

    I’d love to know what you thought about this episode! Come connect with me on Instagram or leave a review!


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