Episode 30: One Way I Combat Anxiety


Anxiety is no fun. For me it’s popped up a lot more frequently in the last 2-3 years and while I don’t enjoy it at all, I have found things that help me cope or combat it and allow me to keep living my life without feeling like I’m in a worry spiral all the time.

The number one thing for me is getting out of my head and channeling that energy somewhere else. Movement is key for me. But I had to get rid of the “rules” around it. I didn’t need to do yoga correctly or follow a flow- I just needed to get outside and move. I needed to get out of my head and into my body.

It seems simple enough, but it’s a trick that works wonders for me and maybe it can work well for you too.


Episode 31: Closet Confidence and Slow Fashion with Delee Cox


Episode 29: 10 Things I’ve Learned as a Mom