Episode 37: Drop Kick Your Inner Mean Girl and Learn to Love The Heck Outta Yourself with Kelli France

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

My interview today with Kelli France is straight up FIRE. I have looked up to Kelli for a long time and she’s been one of those mentors from afar people. I’m so happy that it’s no longer from afar, but that I can genuinely count her among my friends and someone who I know is in my corner.

Kelli has a passion to help you Drop Kick Your Inner Mean Girl and Learn to Love the Heck Outta Yourself! And man, does she do an amazing job at it. Tune in to feel inspired, lit up, and get ready to just completely fall in love with yourself.

In this episode:

Who is Kelli France?

Noticing a pattern of downplaying your talents and getting in your own way.

Where would YOU rate your confidence on a scale of 1-10?

If you can get out of your own way you can do amazing things. You have so much influence.

Step into who you are and OWN IT!

What does your inner mean girl love?

Inner Mean Girl Messaging: what mean girl messages are common?

Share experiences and be vulnerable.

Sharing releases Shame

Self Love is being in a loving relationship with yourself

Affirmations, Power Statements, Reminders…..whatever you call them- just little ways to keep your mind happy and bump up your confidence.

Challenge: Notice and Write Down all the negative things that your inner mean girl says. It might just shock you at how often these thoughts invade your life….

Your Mean Girl is afraid of letting you become your best self and will always try to sabotage your efforts to live up to your highest potential.

How do you keep your confidence level high?

Be willing to try new things. Start Small (hello! YOU KNOW I LOVE THIS!)

Links and other helpful things mentioned
in this episode!


Episode 38: Pop Up-Harmony Instead of Balance


Episode 36: End Your Day P.R.O.U.D