Episode 79: GET NAKED and Other Ways to Love Your Body.

February is the month of love. And this month I really wanted to shift the focus to LOVING OURSELVES. Self care, body love/acceptance, compassion. All the things that embrace loving ourselves and treating ourselves with care.

If you are part of the book club, you’ve probably noticed that this month’s picks are all kind of geared toward that idea.

To get a list of the book picks for February and to join the club you can go to www.jessielarson.com/bookclub

Okay, so the topic of today’s conversation is ways to love your body. And when you clicked on the title you might have been thinking: Hmmm……what?

I’ve got a radical idea, that you’re probably going to have some hesitation with, but I think you, me, all of us, we should all spend more time naked. That’s right sans clothes, in the nude, embrace the birthday suit….N.A.K.E.D naked.

GULP. Ok, deep breaths and don’t click out of this episode.

Now before you think I am running away to a secluded island and trying to recruit everyone to a nudist colony…..hear me out.

I want you to Think back to a time when you fell in love something or someone. Got it?

Okay, Now, think about how much TIME you spent with them/that. I’m guessing it was a lot.

Quality time/quantity time. As you spent time falling in love you learned things, noticed things, started to appreciate certain things…..and you can to all this, and fall more in love with that beautiful body of yours, by spending TIME with it.

Okay, so I first said time naked….but let’s put a pin in this for a minute and jump to some more beginner friendly ways to spend time with your body.

Ways to Spend TIME with Your Body and Fall More in Love:

1. Movement:
movement is magical for appreciating and loving your body. Find ways to move that make you feel good. That help you appreciate you body. This is the opposite of working out to the point of exhaustion and trying to change every little thing about your body.

This type of movement helps you feel grateful for the VESSEL that allows you to experience life.

2. Pamper Yourself/Take care of you/ Make it feel good: As moms, sometimes our self care game comes dead last. Plan some time to more intentionally take care of yourself. Instead of just a quick shower, or dry shampoo….splurge on some really fun bath products. Take time to exfoliate instead of just the quickest shower ever.

Get creative with other ways to help your body feel good.

3. Dress it up
How much better do you feel when you take the time to get dressed?
Don’t ignore what you wear UNDER your clothes
Check out Episode 19- How Getting Into The Right Bra Size Can Change Your Life to listen to my favorite bra and boob expert and how the right one can make you feel like a million bucks.
Stop waiting for a special occasion. Every day is a special occasion. Wear things that make you feel good (even if you don’t run into anyone at Target)

4. Take it all off
You don’t have to spend the whole day in the nude, but maybe just take longer to get dressed when getting ready, and actually LOOK at yourself in the mirror while you get ready. Intentionally look at and embrace the parts of your body that you love. Try to stay away from nit-picking (note: this will be hard, but gets easier as you do it).

Give yourself a compliment ( or even just a wink and a smile) while you look at yourself.

Lingerie for you (not for your partner). Throw on some lingerie that isn’t just going to end up on the floor. Grab something that highlights a part of your body that you love and wear it for you!

Links and other helpful things mentioned
in today’s episode:

Join the Positively You Book Club

Get a Bra Fitting By Court

Episode 19- How Getting Into The Right Bra Size Can Change Your Life

My favorite lingerie- Mentionables

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Episode 80: Let’s Talk About the Relationship We Have with Our Body


Episode 77: Developing Self Love Using Affirmations with Steffanie Wing, That Undercover Unicorn